
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Kekuatan seorang WANITA

Hidup ni ialah suatu penitian yang kita lalui sama ada suka atau tak... We get up early in the morning, rush to work, prepare our cute one to taska or nursery, workingholic pulak kat ofis.. dun dang dun dang... and then we rush back our home, reach our cute one and cuddle them... everyday is the same journey. But how are u feeling, my frens?

working 5day/week.. or working 5 and 1/2day/week.. or some of us.. working non-stop! but still, we are doing wat we are doing everyday.. continuesly without stopping.. without tiring. we move on, we go on... but is it worth it? Yes.. it is. it never not worth it.. because u work hard.. harder than anyone. and u know it better.

have u think to quit? when u start crying in the bathroom...
have u decided to stop? when u couldnt hold it any longer..
have u? Yes.. and 1000x yess... u have thinking about it over and over of times..
but u cant... and why?

u have lost touch as a mother..
u have lost your sweetest smile..
just because u alone have to endure it... working hard to pay the bills..
working hard just to eat enough by the end of the month..
working hard just to fulfill your needs.. 

u want to start sumthing new.. but u afraid of losing it.. u soo afraid.

not anymore!

stop being so chicken!... why afraid of living when u know it is good for u!
you have lost everything just to sacrifice anything..

now is the chance for u to take a break... goyang kaki... minum tea or coffee..

put ur mind at ease.. think and plan...

take a deep breathe. you can do it my frens..

let us be a woman with strength.. never fear.. never give up..

to the top where i am.. where i lead u.. and all my team will be with u..

apa yang u nak? YOU CAN DO IT! 

honeymoon dengan hubby? FOC comp bagi...

u nak rumah besar... u boleh dapat... 

nak tukar kete kancil u pakai kete nih? semua ni boleh..

shopping dgn member? takde masalah... duit bukan lagi halangan tuk u

paling penting.... dpt bersama anak u.. cukup masa  susah senang bersama...