
Monday, 18 July 2011

Breastfeeding with PB

Good news to all mommies out there :)

Having less milk already? Don't worry, PB has the solution for you!

Do you know, by wearing PB, you can actually increase your breast milk for your cute baby..

PB is known for slimming, shaping which you can use them during your confinement but it is also increases your breast milk as well.. 

Do you want to wear PB while keep breastfeed your child?

Getting back your shape while increasing your breast milk?


preven your breast from being saggy!

Solution is right here mommies

Far Infrared Rays in Premium Beautiful Corset is main reason in increasing your breast milk supply. When you  wear PB, you will feel warm inside your body. By continuing wearing PB consistently, FIR improve our blood circulation meaning it will also improve the circulation for your breast in helping to increase milk supply.
(I ingat lagi, bidan cakap, bukan takde susu ni.. tp urat susu tu tak betul lagi.. sebab tu kita lepas bersalin kita gi urut dgn bidan tuk betulkan circulation susu badan kita)

am i correct? :)

keep on reading, you guys

This F.I.R. will penetrates deep within the soft tissues of the breast area, helping to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and most importantly enhance the lymphatic drainage process. Not only that, F.I.R. will actually stimulates and speeds up the circulation in the breast. Increasing circulation on every level is the key to a healthy cells. F.I.R. dilates the tiny blood vessels and capillaries relieving swelling, pain and speeding the lymphatic drainage process through the lymph nodes. F.I.R. also stimulates metabolic changes in living cells. This helps to produce energy for vital processes, and assist with the elimination of waste particles generated from the metabolic process. F.I.R. is good for the breast tissues and will help reduce any stagnant or pooling of lymph fluid in and around the cells.
Next question..

How to breastfeed our baby while wearing PB corset?

Let me show you how!
*credit to Amalina

Easy isn't it?

what are you waiting for mom..

let's supply healthy breast milk to our baby

cheers :)

Get PB set now...

Call me to order