Today nak cakap pasal toxin
Let's us say NO to toxin!!
Apa kaitan PB dengan remove toxin nih?
Tahu tak toxin ni punca sume masalah kesihatan kita?
Toxin ni racun dalam badan
punca sakit, kegemukan
Tak percaya kan?
Tapi ni la hakikatnyer
Jom teliti pasal toxin ni dan kenapa toxin ni susah nak kuar dari dalam badan kita..
Toxin dlm badan adalah dlm bentuk gumpal.
Bila toxin tergumpal, pelancaran darah dlm badan terganggu dan menyebabkan toxin-toxin ni terkumpul dah block peredaran darah.
tapi, apabila FIR ni bertindak ke atas badan kita,
ia akan menyebabkan toxin-toxin ni bergetar dan mengeluarkan gas dan toxin balik semula ke keadaan normal dan process itu
tersingkir dari badan melalui peluh, najis.

Bole tak proses ni rosakkan tisu baik dalam badan kita?
NOPE.. absolutely NO.
takkan merosakkan ataupun mengganggu tisu baik dalam badan kita
Ada tak apa2 effect kat badan lepas proses penyahtoksin?
A healing crisis occurs when the process of detoxification causes toxins to be released faster than they can be eliminated. This may be experienced as aches, pains, or general uneasiness. When this happens, stop treatment for a couple of days. When you feel comfortable and the excess toxins have been eliminated you may resume your programme.
Mmg ada healing crisis.. and somtimes lain org, lain effectnyer
tapi kenapa still nak teruskan jugak dengan PB ni?
sbb PB ada banyak kebaikkannyer..
antaranya ialah
- It breaks up water clusters contained in our body fluids facilitating detoxification.
- It activate cells and tissues, improving the body’s metabolism
- Alleviates fatigue and increases vitality.
- Improves oxygen levels in the body
- It eliminate fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood, improving circulation
- It eliminates other waste from the body reducing the acid levels and rejuvenating the nervous system
- It improves lymph drainage
- It prevents the growth of bacteria
- It relieves pain
- Improves strength and health
- It enhances the repair of the body’s cells
- It balances the acidity in our body
- It normalizes cholesterol levels
- It helps to overcome insomnia
- It stimulates acupuncture points and strengthens chi energy.